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Happily Never After 2 (Review)

Happily Never After 2 (Review)
Happily Never After 2 (Review)

Happily Never After 2 (Review)

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Cat in the Hat (Review)

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Last year when Megalomanium released, I didn't pay much mind to the title replacing the "I" with a serif-ed style letter, my attention was more drawn to the bird/wolf taking on the lightning blast directly above it. A pretty apt representation of the band: unruly, energetic & unapologetic in their dedication to in your face music that's sure to get your heartbeat racing as you headbang along to every catchy tune.

So earlier this year, it came as a bit of a surprise they either wrote too much material to fit on one album, or just had another album's worth of material that needed another year to polish up, that the second part of Megalomanium was coming out this year. Needless to say, it's more of what you've come to know and love from Eclipse - hard hitting rock that just keeps pounding away, keeping that party going. And speaking of partying, the opening track & accompanying music video are a good indication of how you'd expect this band to behave - playing the "Apocalypse Blues" until the world stops spinning.

Now sure, if you're a newcomer to Eclipse, you'd be tempted to say it sounds all the same, and to a certain extent - you're right. The band has found a formula that works for them, and legions of fans agree - if it ain't broke, don't fix it. That's my biggest take away from this album - each album from Eclipse is what you've come to know and love, so if you're already on-board, you know what you're getting, and you won't be disappointed.

Buy the album - support a great band! (click the image below to go to the Frontier store):

Finished the game last week, and it was quite the challenge. Will say that the last couple bosses, Laxasia, Simon Manus & the Nameless Puppet, certainly are a roller coaster of emotional difficulty. In my personal experience, I'd say that Laxasia was the most challenging - ended up using throwables & re-specing my character prior to fighting her for the last time.

Overall, still think it's a worthwhile game to play, especially with the new game + option (there are 2-3 achievements you can complete on your first playthrough after the credits roll, so don't jump right into the new game wtihout doing that - it's playing the piano & picking up a couple notes.

Rumors of DLC or a sequel coming out sound pretty fun (if you get the best ending, you'll see what that's about - don't want to spoil much, if anything). Hopefully we'll see it soon, but definitely don't want it rushed.

Until next time!


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